There is always something interesting happening in the world of Carman’s and Carolyn! Some of our latest and greatest features are below. Why not make yourself a cup of tea, get comfortable and get to know us a little bit better?

Carolyn Creswell, Founder of Carman’s
March, 2018
She turned muesli into the breakfast of champions.

Carman’s Muesli Queen Carolyn Creswell Hopes to Crack Chinese Market
September, 2017
Hawthorn muesli queen Carolyn Creswell is setting her sights on a new challenge – securing a slice of the lucrative Chinese market.

Muesli Queen Carolyn Creswell is Taking Carman's to China
August, 2017
Carolyn Creswell has taken 25 years to build her Carman’s muesli brand into a $100 million business. Now she's set her sights on an even bigger prize.

Meet the boss: Carman's founder Carolyn Creswell
August, 2016
If there's one story that shows Carolyn Creswell has stood out from the crowd for decades, it's the tale of what happened when her employer...

Victorian Government - Trade & Investment Advertisement
August, 2016
One of the key ingredients of Carman's? Victoria.

August, 2016
On December 4, the Catani Gardens, in St Kilda, will be a sea of pink and black for the inaugural Carman's Women's Fun Run in support of Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA).

Leadership Profile, Inside FMCG Magazine
July, 2016
"Drawing on her tough debut in business, Australia's muesli queen advises SMEs to refine their focus and pay attention to the details."

Herald Sun, Taking It To The Street
May, 2016
Meet six influential women who'll sleep rough to highlight the plight of the city's homeless.

Leadership HQ Magazine, Leader of Leaders
May, 2016
Carolyn is interviewed by Leadership HQ Magazine and reveals her leadership style, who inspires her and what she would say to her younger self.
Kochie’s Business Builders, November 2015
Kochie’s team catches up with our founder, Carolyn Creswell, to see how she turned $1000 into a multi-million dollar investment.
Nine News, June 2015
Carolyn catches up with Jo Hall about the evolution of Carman’s.

Star Of Her Own Cereal, Country Living Profile
February, 2015
Chatting with The Weekly Times, Carolyn shares the benefits of escaping to the country and reflects on her vast business achievements.

December, 2014
During her time in business, Carolyn Creswell has achieved numerous awards honouring her exceptional success in business. Business Success magazine speaks to Carolyn on the challenges and what motivates her.

Business Chicks Latte Magazine, Marvellous Muesli
August, 2013
Carolyn chats with Business Chicks CEO, Emma Isaacs.

October, 2012
"A lot of people find the kitchen overwhelming. But for me I love the theatre of it, I love sitting at the table, I love people around and the dog runs through the kitchen and it's a bit crazy."

January, 2012
Juggling home and work life is always a challenge. Here's an enlightening and fun piece to think about.